2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Student Awards
in Applied Spectroscopy
Society for Applied Spectroscopy, New York/New Jersey Section
The New York/New Jersey Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (NYSAS) is pleased to announce the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Awards program for Academic Year 2020 – 2021. The NYSAS is seeking nominations for its annual Student Awards that recognize excellence in the field of Applied Spectroscopy. The field of Applied Spectroscopy is broadly defined, and includes the use of traditional atomic and molecular spectroscopic techniques as well as the use of spectroscopic detectors in hyphenated instruments, microscopy, imaging and related fields.
One graduate and up to five undergraduate awards will be presented. Each candidate should be an undergraduate in at least their junior year or a graduate student majoring in science or engineering. The graduate awardee will receive a $250 cash award, a plaque and a one-year membership to the SAS. Each undergraduate awardee will receive a $100 cash award, a plaque and a one-year membership to the SAS.
Applications must include the following items:
a) A letter of nomination from the student’s research advisor or from an authorized representative of an industrial sponsor of the student’s research. (Students are not permitted to self-nominate.)
b) Letters of recommendation from at least one additional faculty member or other scientists who are familiar with the quality of the student’s work.
c) Transcripts that document all university credits (unofficial transcripts are acceptable).
d) A one-page summary of the research project written by the student including reference to any of the student’s published work, demonstrating applicability of the research to the field of applied spectroscopy.
e) Telephone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses of both the student & research advisor.
Electronic submission is preferred. Please use the subject line “NYSAS Award: Last name”
The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, May 21st, 2021.
Please email nominations directly to:
Michael Cutrera, NYSAS Student Award Committee