The SAS Corner

SciX will be the first live Analytical Conference in over a year! We invite all spectroscopists to attend SciX in Providence RI, Sept 26th – Oct. 1st. Two of our members are teaching courses. Please see full list of Workshops at FACSS SciX - Workshops ( These courses are open to conference and non-conference attendees for a separate registration fee.
Thursday, September 30; 9:00am- 4:00pm (Full Day)
An Introduction to Quantitative Spectroscopic Analysis. Instructor - Debbie Peru, DP Spectroscopy & Training LLC, Facilitated in cooperation with SAS
This course is designed to provide practical information for the development of quantitative methods in spectroscopy. This introductory course is ideally suited for Scientists and Managers who want to expand their knowledge of developing and implementing spectroscopic methods for quantitative analysis of key ingredients or components in products. The course provides an overview of basic statistics, method development considerations, and common quantitative techniques, Additionally, the course provides practical considerations in designing methods, defining the problem, and validation requirements to ensure compliance with USP guidelines. Several applications and group discussions are included in each lesson to illustrate key principals. Gas phase analysis will not be discussed.
Date/Time TBD
Fundamentals of Vibrational Spectroscopy. Instructor - John Wasylyk, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, Facilitated in cooperation with SAS